Order of the Osprey

From Republic Of Valoria

The Order of the Osprey (French: L'Ordre du Balbuzard) is the highest national honor of Valoria. It is conferred for both military and civilian gallantry.

The order was founded in 1762 by Prime Minister John Cooper. It may only be awarded twice in a calendar year, although most years have no inductees. On paper, anybody is eligible to receive the award, however in practice, certain groups are excluded. The award is rarely bestowed upon non-Valorians, and it is frowned upon to induct Valorian public servants.

Because of the lengthy process required for induction, the history and esteem surrounding the order, and the general disinclination towards inducting new members, the order is considered one of the most prestigious in the world. Since its founding, there have only been 39 inductees. The most recent inductee is soccer player Ashley Moriarty, inducted in December 2023.